Just a reminder it is wear it pink day at IYDA tomorrow, Saturday, 16th June. Wear it pink day is Breast Cancer Campaign’s biggest fundraising event.
We will be making pink cookies and fairy cakes! (after classes).
Latest news and events for IYDA
Just a reminder it is wear it pink day at IYDA tomorrow, Saturday, 16th June. Wear it pink day is Breast Cancer Campaign’s biggest fundraising event.
We will be making pink cookies and fairy cakes! (after classes).
To finish the summer term programme we have arranged three trips to local parks/events. Check out the links below for full information. Please complete let Golnaz know if you are coming so we have idea’s of numbers, thanks Sanaz Amidi, Unit Manager.
Parents attending will be responsible for their own children. Any YP joining the trip without a parent attending must have an up to date consent form. Any YP with difficulty travelling to/from the events please see Sanaz Amidi.
Saturday 2 June: Picnic in Crystal Palace Park (with the dinosaurs!)
Meet at 12,00 noon at Penge entrance (Number 1 on the map) and bring a picnic.
Saturday 30 June 2012: Picnic and games at Greenwich Park meeting by the Café in the park at 12pm.
Saturday 7 July 2012: Fruit picking at Hewitts Farm in Orpington- full details TBC
There will still be classes on 16 and 23 June 2012.
Fari, who produces a radio show in English about Iranian arts and culture called Six Pillars to Persia recorded an interview at IYDA recently.
The show repeats this Sunday, 13th May 2012 20.30 GMT on www.resonancefm.com/listen or 104.4FM.
More details about the show are available here: www.sixpillars.org
weekend of free activities (craft, sports, funfair) and entertainment (live music, theartre). Also a welcome of the Olympic Torch Relay into the park!
Meet at the Artlympics stall at 12 on each day in Central Park, London E6.
Our Norooz party is only 13 days away, if you still need to buy your tickets click here.
All tickets include dinner and music until late, if you have any questions please email info@iyda.org.uk.
We hope you can make it.